Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hush little ba....WHAT?

So I've been feeling totally poopy the past week or so, physically. I'm tired all the time and stuffs. No big! And I was late. Yeah that late. So what's a girl to do? Freak out of course! I was all "Okay uh, um!!" and spazzing that I might be pregnant. Which would be weird, considering how careful we are. LOL. Anyway, I signed onto SL and luckily Bone was there to calm my nerves on how I should tell Nick. I mean I knew he wouldn't freak out or anything, but still. I've never had a pregnancy doubt in my mind. Ever. So ( thank you Bone! ) I got the right set of mind on how to tell Nick.

I cornered him, literally, after work on Friday, and told him what was going on. Amidst the dogs barking, he was like "What?" And I was like UGH Lmao! So he gave me a hug and said not to worry, because regardless he'd be there. Okay, that's good. But I was still scared to death. I got one of those super fast pregnancy tests because I think waiting 10 minutes would have killed me. Peeing on a little stick is weird, just so you know. Anyway!

We were both in the bathroom, and I was sitting on the floor with my face in my hands spazzing, and my calm-as-a-cucumber husband was leaning against the wall, looking at his watch. I couldn't look at the test so instead I just watched him. He was lightly drumming his foot on the tile, looking at his watch, looking down at me, shaking his head, and laughing a little. I could tell he was amused because he loves kids, and he'd make a great father, so inside I knew he was wishing it to be positive. And then I hear "Time's up."

I blink, and look at his face. He winked at me with that little smirk thing he does and headed to the sink to look down at the test. My whole body was like, frozen. I held my breath. Either way the end result, I'd breathe a huge sigh of relief. Not knowing is horrible! I felt like a deer in the headlights sort of thing. So Nick looks down at me, his face almost unreadable. But it was like a mixture of excitement and fear, but he pulled it off so not to freak me out.

"You got me a baby for Christmas?"

I about exploded. It was positive. I think I tried to say something but I could find no words beyond the whoosh of emotions I felt. He helped me up so I could have a look and we just sort of stood there in the bathroom in silence, before we started to laugh and hug. Becoming pregnant was something I had wanted to plan for, but this was really an unexpected but wonderful surprise.

So! I went to the doctor on Monday and found out I'm about six weeks pregnant! ZOMG! That explained all the tiredness and stuff. He walked me through everything that was going on with my body right then, and what to expect, and when to see him again, etc. I left the office with my hand on my stomach because.. carrying a life in there was a humbling expierence and nerve racking all at the same time.

We told our families, Nick's parents and mine were both excited, considering we're the last of their children to have children. Everyone else has like, 2 or some shit. I'll stick with one kthx LOL. But we've spent a lot of time talking about it, how we'll be as parents, and of course names.

I'm really excited. And scared. Nick is too, but he's all supportive and hopes for a son LOL. He'd be one of those "If you touch my daughter I know where to bury you." sort of dads. But we both hope and pray for a healthy baby. I just wanted to share all that with you guys, thanks for all the support!


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Yeah it's that time of year again. Christmas! ( okay so I'm not such a huge fan of X-Mas as I am like, Halloween, but whatever! ) So I guess it's time for a little reflecting as we close this year, and step with ease into the next.

It's been a bit of a trying year personally, but thankfully, I'm surrounded by wonderful people who all help each other pull through things. ( Well MOST of them xD ) The number one person being my husband. I don't usually rant how wonderful he is, but I guess I can make an exception, just this once, lmao. Truth being, we may have our ups and downs like most people, but at the end of the day; I can look into his eyes, or touch him, and realize in this life and the next; he's the only one who can hold my mind, body, heart and soul at the same time, and do it well. *sniffles* I got all sentimental just then! And it doesn't hurt that our 5 year wedding anniversary is tomorrow, so I'm all like mushy and lovey dovey. I'm not a mushy girl, really. D: Lmao

Also, around the SL bend, I've met a slew of people this year. Most I'd like to forget, and a handful who I treasure. They know who they are. The ones who randomly throw toilets at me, the ones who convinced me to pose topless with her so she could show some guy! LOL, the ones who I worry about if I haven't seen them in a few days, the ones who hit on me relentlessly and KNOW they have no chance, and everyone in between. Really, you guys are wonderful, and I wish you the very best this Christmas and this new year. It's all well deserved.

Love you all lots ^^ ( you too, Enzo )

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I live?

Dubya tee eff? I'm alive? Well if you could call it living! I sort of feel like a really tired zombie who is nearly faceplanting into her glass of water! Why the long break you may ask yourself. I don't know, lol. I read blogs and forget I have my own I think. But I've never been good at keeping journals and diaries and stuff either, so mega fail! Work has been pretty nutters because of the holidays all coming and stuff, so bleh. Nick's been swamped too so we're like, %#@%.

In other news! I inherited a Bearded Dragon who I aptly named Horatio. He's so cute, I'll have to post pics when I can find my USB thing for my camera. He likes to haul ass around the house and eat celery. XD I luff my lizard. Also, since my dearest Bone asked about punk music the other day, I've been on a non-stop kick of punk and ska music I listened to when I was like, 13. It owns. How I forgot the Blue Meanies existed is beyond me, they're fucking fabulous. It takes me back to a time when going to Off the Alley was the
shiznat, we partied with the Tossers, and music was everything. Good times!!

So maybe I'll try to post more. Prolly not tho LOL. But I'll leave you with this really hot ass pic of Jonathan Togo who is just beyond uber on all levels of uberness.